Owlstar padded back into the clearing, some new cats also in the group. He went immediately to the Tallpine."Mysteryclan!" He got the attention of all the cats."The gathering went well. We also have brought back some new cats!" He looked down at a small pure white tom."You shall be known as Halfpaw, an apprentice of Mysterclan. You're mentor will be Stellarsky." He let the two touch noses."We then have two new warriors, Spottedpath and Stormwhisker!" The clan cheered for all three cats."Plus, I think it's time some apprentices became warriors." Owlstar purred.
"Ravenpaw, Minnowpaw, Icypaw, and Frozenpaw, please step forward." The four apprentices did as they were told."Ravenpaw, you will now be known as Ravenpath. Starclan honors your eager yet calm ways." Ravenpath dipped his head."Minnowpaw, you will now be known as Minnowmint. Starclan honors your outgoing attitude." Minnowmint smiled widely and dipped her head as well."Icypaw, you will now be known as Icyeyes. Starclan honors your strength and cunning." Icyeyes purred and nudged his littermates."Frozenpaw, you will now be known as Frozenflame. Starclan honors your swiftness and fierceness."
Owlstar jumped down and touched his nose on each cat's head."That is all, meeting dismissed!"
Stormwhisker glanced around the camp, happy to have a place to call home. He found a place in the clearing to sit and calmy watched the camp.
After touching noses with Stellarsky, Halfpaw was unsure where to go. He desided to go sit next to his sister Spottedpath, since he didn't know any of the other cats very well. Spottedpath looked at her little brother. "You're always so shy, Halfpaw. Why don't you try making some friends for once?" she teased. Halfpaw just acted like her didn't hear Spottedpath and looked away. "You know that won't work on me. Stop using your deaf ear as an excuse to not listen," Spottedpath sighed. Halfpaw let out a little laugh, but didn't say a word.
~>Halfpaw & Spottedpath<~
Songstream padded happily over to Spottedpath."Welcome!" She smiled warmly.
Stellarpaw watched the new cats, taking them in and not saying a word, her gaze lingering on Halfpaw's mismatched eyes.
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